Protecting Your Pipes and Other Winter Home Advice

As the month wraps up, and the cold weather continues, there are some preventative measures you can take to make sure your home is in shape for springtime. Whether you’re looking to sell your house in the near future or seeking to save money on the back end, this January checklist will make spring cleaning a breeze. 

Holiday Declutter 

The holidays have come and gone, but your house still looks like Santa’s workshop. It might be time to box up those loose Christmas lights and stash the wrapping paper in the attic. Just because the holiday season has come to an end doesn’t mean you have to destroy all the evidence. Do Mother Nature a favor and store used gift-bags and wrapping paper for next year’s festivities. Not only will you be helping out the environment, but you’ll be saving money in the long run.

Protecting Your Pipes

As temperatures drop in the winter months, pipes can freeze over and burst, flooding your home. Planning that winter getaway? Make sure to wrap your pipes in heat tape you can control with your thermostat. If you haven’t already, you should also ensure that all water valves connected to outdoor spigots are shut off to avoid any damage to your pipes. In a pinch, a heating pad or a hairdryer will do to warm up frozen pipes. 

Checking for Storm Damage

Winter storms can interfere with the roads, your schedule, and even the integrity of your home. After a wintery mix, perform a thorough inspection of your home’s roof, siding, gutters, and yard for wind, snow, or ice damage. Rather than climbing the roof yourself and risking injury, grab a pair of binoculars and search for damage at ground level. If you do not feel equipped to assess the damage yourself, consult a roofing company to make immediate repairs. 
