Great Marketing Sells Homes

We provide a comprehensive step-by-step plan and marketing strategy to sell your home. Our approach includes targeted Facebook advertising, email marketing, content marketing and personalized 1-to-1 outreach.

Concierge Service

Prepare your home with us to sell faster and for more money — and let us pay for the costs

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Facebook to Reach Buyers

We'll advertise your home on Facebook to reach 10,000+ people and be sure to highlight your home's best features. This strategy helps engage buyers in a compelling way.


Story Telling

Stories drive action. We tell a story about your listing through a series of targeted email blasts, sent to a carefully-chosen audience.

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Instagram Community

We use Instagram to build excitement and connect with the people looking for homes like yours—ensuring a long list of buyers ready to view your home as soon as it hits the market.

Video Marketing

Our Vimeo Channel showcases home property tours, community spotlights, and more, building a following among home buyers and sellers in the city we love!